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Re: Dumb bugs
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Saturday, May 8, 1999, at 15:35:54
In Reply To: Re: Dumb bugs posted by Luisa on Wednesday, May 5, 1999, at 18:52:44:

> Please forgive me, I know this story isn't very well formed, but I had to add it anyhow.
> My grandmother was having trouble with some kind of bugs in her garden, and she learned that if you put corn starch (I think) on the leaves, the bugs will eat it with the leaves, then when they drink dew, the corn starch expands in their stomachs, and they explode. My sweet little grandmother still thinks this is the one of the coolest things in the world. . . I'm pretty sure I agree. :)
> Luisa
I bet she sat on the backporch during the evening and listened to the explosions in the garden. Music to a gardener's ears!