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Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Monday, January 1, 2001, at 22:02:09
In Reply To: Re: THHGTTG posted by eric sleator on Monday, January 1, 2001, at 21:29:36:

> > THGTTG (actually, THHGTTG... I mispelled it) is
> > one of those acronymns that we'll *have* to put
> > in the eventual RINK-FAQ. It's short for
> > Douglas Adams' "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the
> > Galaxy."
> It's two words in Canada? That's kind of odd. Over here "hitchhike" is one word, one of the only words in English that have two H's in a row.
> -eric "weirdies" sleator
> Mon 1 Jan A.D. 2000

It's NOT only in Canada. The use of two separate words was the way that the series' title was originally published by Adams in BRITAIN, which, by author's perogative, makes "Hitch Hike" the *correct* way to syntactically phrase the book's title. I have separate copies of the book by different publishers. The paperback Pan Books (London) edition, and the hardcover William Heinemann Ltd (London) version. Both use two, count 'em, TWO (2) words for "hitch hike" on the title page. I suspect all our British Rinkposters will agree, exceedingly, unto that whereof I speak. :-)


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