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Re: What ever happened to being decent?
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Sunday, December 31, 2000, at 09:18:28
In Reply To: Re: What ever happened to being decent? posted by Ellmyruh on Sunday, December 31, 2000, at 00:07:49:

> I suppose the main reason I don't swear very often is because I don't see a point in doing it. In my opinion, swear words are simply overused words and parts of speech in our language. It's like the word "dude." "Dude," by itself, is a fun-sounding word and can sometimes come in handy. However, it has been so overused in our language, I'm simply tired of hearing it. When people say "dude," or use swear words, I just think, "Why can't they get out a thesaurus and expand their vocabulary for once?"
> (I don't mean to offend anyone: That's just the way I see swearing.)
> Ell"FAR from perfect, myself"myruh

DUDE! Ellmyrush-dude, you are, like, so RIGHT about that, dude! DUDE! Dude, that one car commercial where there's four dudes with coffee and the driver-dude goes over railroad tracks and they all keep saying, like, "dude...dude? Dude!" really gets on my nerves, dude. DUDE!


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