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Re: Something Amazing That Happened to My Dad
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Saturday, December 30, 2000, at 20:32:36
In Reply To: Something Amazing That Happened to My Dad posted by Den-Kara on Saturday, December 30, 2000, at 20:26:51:

> Okay, I'm putting this in a different post because it didn't really fit in the other one. Anywho, here's a story that happened to my dad about two and a half years ago:
> My dad hadn't had a job for about a year, and he was almost to the point of having depression. He was driving down a freeway listening to the radio, and he was thinking about how he couldn't get a job and that he was beginning to think he would never get one. Suddenly, a voice said, "Believe in yourself." My dad says the voice was in his head, yet OUT of his head at the same time. He said it was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard in his life, and that there was no possible way he could ever describe what it sounded like. He told my family and I that it was a male voice, yet my dad was speechless when we asked him to DESCRIBE the voice to us...he couldn't. All he could say was that it was beautiful. After he heard the voice speak to him, he pulled over to the side of the road and thought about how he really did need to believe in himself to accomplish his goals. I have no doubt in my mind that my dad heard an angel that day. Hmm...yeah...once again, WOW.
> ~Den-"just thought I'd share"Kara

Maybe it was... the Sage? :)


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