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Re: The Matrix Has Me
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Friday, December 29, 2000, at 12:51:11
In Reply To: Re: The Matrix Has Me posted by Den-Kara on Friday, December 29, 2000, at 12:11:59:

> You liked it? WAHOO! I love that movie; it is AWESOME. Amazing. A stunning spectacle of our time. Keanu Reeves did look kinda stupid doing the kung-fu stance thingamabobber...I know what you're talking about, but I have no idea how to describe it. I've seen The Matrix about 15 times, and I ALWAYS fast-forward through the part where Neo wakes up in the gooey pod thing...where he's bald and everything. I dunno, but something about that part sickens me. I love the movie, though. Very much, in fact...yes indeedy do.
> Have you seen The Cell yet? IMO, it's an amazing movie as well, though it has more than its fair share of dark, foreboding images. The ending wasn't the way I wanted it to be, though.
> ~Den-"Christmas Break is almost over...what a rip-off"Kara

That movie stole an idea from me. They traveled to the future, rifled through my brain, ripped off my cool story idea, and went back in time to begin work on the movie. At the time I came up with my story no one had heard of The Matrix, so I obviously didn't steal it from them.

My idea was to have a story where there's this kid and he's slowly realizing that his world is fake and it eventually breaks down and he learns that he is in a big room where he's been living his whole life in a false world as a psychology experiment. There's more to it, but the movie didn't steal the rest.

One church near here used the movie to teach the youth group about the Bible. I think that's going a bit too far.

-eric "But 'Follow the white rabbit' isn't just from The Matrix, Grish. Didn't you ever read the 'Alice' books?" sleator
Fri 29 Dec A.D. 2000

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