A Picture of Ellmyruh's Weekend Wedding Travels
Ellmyruh, on host
Thursday, December 28, 2000, at 00:10:53
Ellmyruh's Weekend Wedding Travels posted by Ellmyruh on Wednesday, December 20, 2000, at 20:37:24:
Two days after the wedding, while Frank and Becky were still on their honeymoon, they somehow found time to post a few pictures of the wedding. (What can I say...they're computer geeks!)
Here is a photo of the wedding party. It was taken with a digital camera, so you'll notice that the quality could be better. From left to right: Janel, Kiwa, Kim, Ellmyruh, Patti, Becky, Frank, Ray, Hoyt, Jeff, Eric.
Ell"Amazingly, the mass amount of hairspray isn't obvious"myruh
The Wedding Party