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Re: Illogical Phobia
Posted By: Mia, on host
Date: Thursday, December 21, 2000, at 11:12:30
In Reply To: Illogical Phobia posted by Den-Kara on Wednesday, December 20, 2000, at 17:17:11:

> What causes people to have phobias? I have got to have one of the most illogical phobias in the world. Okay, here it is:
> I'm afraid of being shot on the freeway. Don't ask me how this phobia started, because I honestly don't know. However, for as long as I can remember, I've been afraid that if I look at some person the wrong way and they're in a gang or something they'll shoot me. Isn't that the stupidest thing you've ever heard? I just wish I knew why in the world I have this's so stupid. I don't even live in a bad area, either, so it's even dumber.
> ~Den-"told you it was illogical"Kara

You wanna hear a weirder phobia? (Or would it be more weird?) I'm afraid of people touching my wrists. But that's not it exactly. I'm afraid of them CARESSING or softyly touching my wrists. And I hate when other people touch their own wrists. And by "caress", I mean, pretending to cut it with a knife....ew...just the thought makes me squeamish. And also, I don't like people touching my throat or collar bone. Is that not weird?

Mi"also afraid of the dark, but only when someone else is in the dark with me"a

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