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Re: Hey, Issachar!
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999, at 06:47:38
In Reply To: Hey, Issachar! posted by Susan on Wednesday, May 5, 1999, at 13:58:29:

> I wanted to e-mail you, but you didn't leave an e-mail address with your review. What did you think of NBC's other masterpieces? (i.e. "The Oddessy", "Merlin" and "Alice in Wonderland") In some aspects, they were worse, but I seem to be the only one in the country who saw them.

Hi Susan,

I'm sorry to say that of the TV movies you've mentioned, I only watched "Alice In Wonderland". As Sam pointed out, the day after watching "Alice", I did post a brief reaction to it (not really a review) in the Message Forum here, which was probably more harsh than it really needed to be. My reaction to the film was extremely subjective and based solely on personal taste, and since the unsettling, barely-sane nature of the Wonderland inhabitants, especially the constantly-shrieking Queen, really annoyed and unnerved me, I pretty much dumped on the film as a whole. Now that my initial irritation has had a chance to subside, I'd probably be a little more charitable towards "Alice", although it did drag in many places and frequently lost my attention. It was definitely not as loathsome as "Noah", but I guess that isn't really saying all that much. :-)

Wish I could talk to you about the other films in the series; I wanted to watch "Merlin" especially, but missed it. What did you think of it?

Iss "can I just say how cool it is to see your own name in the Subject line?" achar

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