Re: best & worst of 2000
Beasty, on host
Monday, December 18, 2000, at 06:20:48
best & worst of 2000 posted by syrinx on Sunday, December 17, 2000, at 21:42:49:
> It's a bit early to start this, but oh well. What's the best and worst thing that's happened to you all year? > Best:
1) Learning to Scuba Dive and seeing exactly what my Housemate has been going on about. (Last month)
2) Finally getting the pay rise I had been expecting for the last 2 years. (July)
1) My fiance ending our engagement. (Last Month)
2) Getting rear-ended in my car, the day before I was due to use it to go on holiday. (June)
Well, that's what happened to me.