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Re: Tragic story of a spider
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Saturday, December 16, 2000, at 18:14:42
In Reply To: Re: Tragic story of a spider posted by Grishny on Saturday, December 16, 2000, at 15:29:19:

> > Nothing special, but they are black with bright colors on the body. It seems like they are red or orange with pale green The legs are long and they spin a web with zig zag markings in the middle. It looks like M's and W's all run together. Sometimes they will sit there in the middle of the web and shake it back and forth like they are getting ready to jump, but they never do. They're harmless unless you are a bug. I've seen them all over the south. They're rather attractive, if you like spiders.
> > Howard
> Do they ever spell out WMM?
> Gri"still trying to guess what the WM part stands for"shny

She says no, but sometimes she thinks it looks like WHM, which is me. The WM in WMM stands for her first name and her maiden name. She never had a middle name. It goes back to the US Government think tank where she worked and everybody's records were filed under two initials and a last name. So officially she was known as W.M. Murrill. Also, being a secretary, her initials appeared at the bottom of letters and other documents to show who prepared it for the bosses signature. So it just stuck.
How"more than you wanted?"ard

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