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Re: Hey, Issachar!
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999, at 17:47:01
In Reply To: Re: Hey, Issachar! posted by Morris Cecil Glalet on Wednesday, May 5, 1999, at 17:06:34:

> I read a screenplay-writing book once, and it said that if you're adapting a book into a movie, you shouldn't make it just like the book, but you should change some of it. That's just a bunch of old festering mayonnaise! Keep movies exactly like the book, and all will be well, and we won't TP your movie studios.

I don't agree. Books and movies are completely different mediums, and what works well in one may not work well in another. Some books translate well to the screen, while others don't. Personally, I think faithfulness to source material is irrelevant. I want a good movie. Faithful adaptations can be good or bad. Unfaithful adaptations can be good or bad. The best adaptations are the ones that make ample and artistic use of the cinematic medium -- whether that turns out to be faithful or not.

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