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Re: My Favorite Number
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, December 15, 2000, at 13:55:47
In Reply To: Re: My Favorite Number posted by Travholt on Friday, December 15, 2000, at 13:46:20:

> > I've always heard it was the number of people at the table at the Last Supper. I'm assuming the 13th was Judas.
> Well, twelve disciples plus Jesus would make it 13... I guess that's why, in older days, you never had 13 people around a dinner table. 12 or 14 was OK, but not 13.
> Travholt

Yes, I remember that happened often at my grandmother's house. As sure as Thanksgiving, or Christmas or any other high-fat holiday rolled around, there would be 13 people waiting to eat. Grandma always threw out uncle LeRoy. He was never her favorite anyway, and besides he probably wouldn't remember it after he sobered up.
I don't think he ever did figure out why he was so skinny and all of his brothers were fat. One time he brought a girl friend over for the 4th of July cookout. There were 14 people there to eat, so out of habit, grandma threw out Uncle LeRoy
*and* his girl friend. It was OK. She was in no conditin to remember either. Have I ever lied to you?

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