Re: Non-Political Reasons I'm Glad Bush Won
Faux Pas, on host
Friday, December 15, 2000, at 11:26:46
Re: Non-Political Reasons I'm Glad Bush Won posted by Mousie on Friday, December 15, 2000, at 11:03:02:
> > 5. If Gore had won Florida and thus the Presidency, it would have meant New Hampshire's 4 electoral votes for Bush weren't enough to swing it for him. Since Bush did win Florida, New Hampshire's 4 electoral votes mattered. Had New Hampshire gone to Gore, Florida would not have been an issue, because Gore would have had enough electoral votes without Florida. So now that New Hampshire's electoral votes were essential to the President-Elect's President-Electhood, we can show the country just how important, powerful, and otherwise ruling New Hampshire truly is. Because, hey, I'm from New Hampshire. > > New Hampshire sucks.
Mousie, look at it this way -- we can blame Sam for anything that happens in the next four years!
"Look, my state was blue -- we tried to warn you, but no!"
-Faux "didn't vote for either bush or gore, so nyah." Pas