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Re: more of the same
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999, at 16:32:48
In Reply To: Re: more of the same posted by Darien on Tuesday, April 27, 1999, at 21:39:07:

> > And here's one so bad, I'm sure it will be deleted before you get a chance to read it:
> >
> >
> > Howard
> Now, obviously either Howard or Sam is playing a very cruel trick on us. Which do we suppose it is? If Howard were behind it, would Rule #6 apply in this case? If Sam were behind it... err... I guess we'd have to beg and plead. It worked with the condors, didn't it?
> Dar "Stop, drop, and roll" ien

It was Howard. I have to play a dumb trick on Sam ever now and then. I don't want him to feel neglected. When will the statute of limitations run out on Rule #6?

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