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Re: Really dumb characters
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 1999, at 06:46:16
In Reply To: Re: Really dumb characters posted by Susan on Tuesday, May 4, 1999, at 09:37:38:

There are way too many movies and television shows that do this. I walked out on "In the Mouth of Madness", a John Carpenter film, because the characters starting doing really stupid things. I'm not talking about some dumb slasher flick stupid (camp counselors decide to go into the basement to check on the fuse box after three of her friends have been killed), but just dumb dummy dumbness.

In the movie, it's obvious that the two main characters are in a horror novel/movie. There's the weird goings-on -- people, places, and reality starts changing: demonic-like creatures, all that. Yet they both do the dumbest things imaginable. At one point, I told myself that if one of them decides to slip off in the middle of the night to visit the evil-looking church where they were attacked by the hellhounds, the children of the corn, and the Amish undead, I'm outta here. Two minutes later, the female lead snuck off to the church.

BTW, this movie would be ripe fruit for the IABBBBM, if someone wants it. Same with Lord of Illusions -- my wife and I sat through that movie just to see how horrible a movie actually could be.

Faux "two thumbs down" Pas