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Re: hope I'm wrong
Posted By: dingdong, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2000, at 08:07:18
In Reply To: hope I'm wrong posted by Howard on Monday, December 11, 2000, at 11:29:39:

The sad thing is that USA is not alone in this predicament. As a member of a supposedly enlightened, educated country(Australia) the situation here sounds no different.

Our country has an education budget that is now being revised to give the privately funded schools(of which there are less)a higher percentage to spend on swimming pools and tennis courts, while dropping the public school funding to an even lower level. Just squeeze a few more kiddies in there, you'll be alright!

In Western Australia, our Premier just allocated $60,000,000 to a bell tower which was so popular that less than 5,000 people showed up at it's opening. And meanwhile our States health budget has been cut to allow this.

In the last couple of years, our Prime Minister stared to worry about the literacy levels in schools, so a country wide literacy test was introduced to keep an eye on things. However, since the education cuts, they spend more funds on the tests and less on actually doing anything.

Hey, our stupidity starts at the top and works it's way down.

ding"It comes from the top"dong