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computer question
Posted By: Don Thornton, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2000, at 04:56:20

My wonderful wife, Ticia, tells me that you people know everything there is to know about computers, or that you know people who do. So I thought I'd see if I could get some free customer support :)

(On a side note, speaking of Ticia--you thought we were speaking about computers!--I was just made aware of the time by my wife. Every day, between 5:40am and 5:45am I hear "I'm sooo tired..." That's when I know that her car pool is just a few minutes away. She is so consistant! I love it :)

Uh, oh! She just read this and gave me a serious "Humph!" sound. That means she's piqued.

Ok, where was I--Australia!

Here's the deal: I just discovered the joys of digital picture resolution. I found that instead of just changing the size of a picture, I can change the number of pixels per square inch. And of course, when I find a good thing, I tend to carry it to extremes. I thought "If 300 p/i is good, then 1000 p/i ought to be fantastic!" But then it occured to me that if my printer is less than stellar, it wouldn't matter how awesome my picture resolution is.

Ok, I think I've almost worked myself up to asking the question. I found out that my printer has a resolution of 600 dpi (dots per square inch?). How does this compare to pixels per square inch? Is a pixel it's own dot? Dot's pretty much all I want to know for now.

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