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Re: Di Tri Berrese
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999, at 11:26:49
In Reply To: Di Tri Berrese posted by Mama Gucce on Monday, April 26, 1999, at 13:33:54:

> Uans appona taim uas tri berres: mamma berre, pappa berre, e beibi berre. Live inne contri nire foresta. NAISE AUS. No mugheggia. Uanna dei pappa, mamma, e beibe go bice, orie e furghetta locche di dorra.

Well, I just learned some things about how my brain works. Poor thing has always been slow. It works as well as most other average brains, but s-l-o-w-l-y. It isn't my age. It has always done that. When I started reading the above, it told me that wasn't English. So I skimmed down and picked up a few Spanish words. I know a little Spanish. Not enough for an intelligent conversation, but I can read it a little. I can check into a hotel, or ask directions to the airport, or order lunch. And I can handle road signs and street names. But this wasn't all Spanish.

My brain wanted to know if it was Italian or French. No. Then I saw a word that looked like "dialectizer" and went back to the beginning and tried pronouncing the words as written. Ah, Ha! The Three Bears. No es los thes osos. Mama is pulling our leg. The whole thought process took several minutes, but my brain muddled through.