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Re: Book Election #7
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Saturday, April 24, 1999, at 21:54:37
In Reply To: Re: Book Election #7 posted by Darien on Wednesday, April 21, 1999, at 11:09:54:

>>> Oh my gosh, _The Hitchhiker's Guide To the
>>>Galaxy_ soooo has to win.
>> Right when Dave emailed me his nominee
>>choices, I knew there was never a question
>>about who would win -- it was just a matter of
>>by how much.

As Sam correctly surmised, I've been out of town for the past week, so I haven't been watching the votes pile up. I was pretty much as certain as Sam that Hitchhiker's Guide would win, but I never expected this.

> Oh my heavens. Oh, my heavens. That was quite
>the landslide, there... I didn't realize we had
>eighty-two people voting!

Do you realize that Hitchhiker's Guide not only handily captured the title of most votes in a BAM election, it also got more votes all by itself than there were *total* votes in any previous BAM election? One of the previous elections garnered 80 total votes, and that was the closest competitor. Hitchiker's Guide got 82 all by itself. That's totally insane.

I guess it just goes to show that the type of people RinkWorks attracts are also very likely to enjoy Douglas Adams' works :-)