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Re: What an idea!
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2000, at 06:48:48
In Reply To: Re: What an idea! posted by Den-Kara on Thursday, November 23, 2000, at 18:57:41:

> > Gri"remember TinkerToys? It fits! RinkerToys!"shny
> I remember those! I used to have some...and good ol' Lincoln Logs. I was a wierd kid; I never played with dolls. I either read or built things.
> Anyway, what about board games? Are there any that we could Twister, Don't Break the Ice, Candyland, Ants in the Pants, Chutes and Ladders, that kinda thing? *thinking*
> ~Den-"Happy Thanksgiving...I made a choco. cream pie"Kara

Funny you should mention Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs, board games, etc. As a sometimes antique dealer, I have a stock of all of those things. Did you know that stuff like that, and lots of other toys, have collector value? If you are middle aged, your old toy box could be a gold mine. If you have your grandparents old toy
box, you might be rich. I got $25 for an old Monopoly set, and it wasn't in the best condition. You wouldn't believe what collectors will pay for Grandpa's bicycle! Think about it.
How"can I get this ball point ink off this Monopoly bo"ard