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Re: State names
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 1999, at 16:06:41
In Reply To: Re: State names posted by Issachar on Wednesday, April 21, 1999, at 13:16:20:

> > > > Chargoggagoggmanchaugagoggchaubungagungamaug
> > >
> > > gungabunga, not bungagunga. Get it right. :-)
> >
> > Yep. It's in Maskachusetts, actually. That's Maskachusetts for you: we tax *everything,* every town is a "-field" (except the ones that aren't), and if our weapons laws don't drive you completely out of your head, the names of our landmarks will. :-}
> >
> > Dar "Ever been to lake Oooeeeoooahahtingtangwallawallabingbang?" ien
> No kidding? The lake is right here in the same state with me, and I didn't even realize it. I just remember it as a curiosity my seventh grade teacher brought up one day. Maybe I'll have to pop over and visit the lake some time...."Excuse me sir? Can you tell me how to get to Lake Chargaggaguggabungamungman? Or is it Charbongaboongamangogoogolplex? Sir? Hey, where're you going? Can't you see I'm LOST???!!"
> Issabungachungagoggachar

I'm sure you meant "Issachargoggagogg..." :-}

With my luck, the guy you stopped for directions would be me. And I'd automatically assume it was you, just because, and I'd tell you how to get there and close it with "See you later, Iss" and leave you wondering for quite awhile where on Earth that came from. 'Course, this plan would work a whole lot better had I not just told it to you...

Not that any of that matters, since I'm four hundred miles away and all. But we can pretend. :-}
