Re: Your favorite composers/pieces of music
Pliffilif, on host
Wednesday, November 15, 2000, at 17:45:48
Your favorite composers/pieces of music posted by MarkN on Wednesday, November 15, 2000, at 17:08:28:
Well, mostly I listen to game music and anime music. That's the style of stuff I compose, anyhow. But I can tell you who I'm beginning to get sick of... Robert W. Smith. All his stuff sounds the same! (Into the Storm, Inferno, Ascension, Winds of Poseidon, seriously, it's all the exact same thing) I feel sorry for all the adjudicators at the music festivals who are forced to listen to not only Smith's works, but each work multiple times, over and over and over again.
Pliff"Wee! I get to study Yasunori Mitsuda for my composers assignment in music class!"ilif