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Re: Elections, Electoral College
Posted By: Shandar, on host
Date: Monday, November 13, 2000, at 07:22:14
In Reply To: Re: Elections, Electoral College posted by Zarkon on Sunday, November 12, 2000, at 15:30:27:

I can't express how much I disagree with this line of reasoning. The individual rights of states is fundamental to the functionality of our country. If we take away state's right to effectively govern themselves and prevent themselves from being steam-rolled by larger, more populated states another civil war will inevitably ensue. And if a senator from Rhode Island stops a bill that would not be beneficial to the people of his/her state then they have done exactly what they are in the senate to do. If this bill is needed legislature in another state, let that state pass its own laws. That is not to say that I condone government sponsored bias and unfair discrimination. However, if the majority of the people in a state/local govt support that, do they need the federal govt to babysit and tell them what is okay to do? I mean, isn't that what the bill of rights was for in the first place? And no one prohibits any person(s) from moving from their current place of residence to another place with a govt that more closely reflects their beliefs. Without systems like the electoral college and the senate, we might as well dissolve the states entirely and rename our country.

Shan-United STATES-dar