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Re: Does your vote count?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2000, at 17:18:05
In Reply To: Re: Does your vote count? posted by Dracimas on Thursday, November 9, 2000, at 07:55:43:

> At the very least the Electoral votes should be split in each state. If the state has 11 total votes and 6 vote Republican, 3 vote Democrat, 1 Green Party, and 1 other then that's exactly how it should be divided up. Personally, I am for disbanding it and let the popular vote decide. But then I'm not much of a politician, and I'm sure many of you could explain why that's a bad idea.
> Drac "I just want it to be over" imaS

No, it's a very good idea. Some day, the voting booth will contain a computer connected to a mainframe in Washington. Your vote will be tallied almost instantly and the results will be announced within minutes of the last poll closing. There will be no need for TV tallies, exit polls, or the electorial college. But first, Congress will have to get its collective head out of the mud.

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