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Re: The Bible
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2000, at 09:31:06
In Reply To: Re: The Bible posted by unipeg on Monday, October 30, 2000, at 18:43:13:

> hm.... this one i CAN answer, although the first two are quite a bit harder. When the canonical order was decided, there really wasn't much sectionalism.... the church was basically the Catholic church, and that was that.


> erg... um.... stop asking such hard questions!!! I guess I've just taken what's in the Bible on the word of those who first decided on the canon... and on the word of god, who I believe directed them, and whom I've felt speak to me through the bible.

So are you Catholic? Part of what I don't get are the different "versions" (I'm sure this is the wrong term) of the Bible following the Protestant Reformation. There are some pretty major differences between, say, Catholics, Baptists and Mormons. It's not a matter of just interperating scriptures differently; they can't even seem to agree on what all is correct. Yet all three assert that they do in fact worship Christ. How does one reconcile these differences?

> uni"i don't think i much helped"peg

No, you've been plenty helpful.


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