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Re: speaking of telemarketers. . .
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2000, at 09:10:49
In Reply To: Re: speaking of telemarketers. . . posted by Andrea on Wednesday, October 25, 2000, at 03:36:00:

> > Were in Italy do you live Andrea? Are you Italian or another military brat?
> >
> > Speed'missed McDonalds when he was over there'ball
> I'm Italian and live in Milan (never been in the Army, anyway: they didn't call me because there were too many people born in the early 70s and too few need for soldiers - the government was reducing military expenses; the same happened to almost all my school companions).
> Never been to a McDonald, too. I can have better fast food in lots of places, here! :)

Ah, Northern Italy, the nice part. From my own view it seemed the farther south you went the dingier and scummier the country got. But you are far south of Rome. I never got to Milan, but I did visit Florence, Venice, the Dolomites (sp?, Italin foot hills to the Alps), Pisa, and Assisi (my favorite, even though I got sick both times).

Now if I remeber from Italian fast food, that would be sheet (or loaf) pizza, kept warm under a bright light. Almost unrecognizable as pizza to an American, but after six months it grows on you, I could do with a slice right now. Of course it is hard to find American pepperonie, since if you ask for pepperonie you get small peppers.

The other choice, sandwiches, Proshuto (sp?, I spelled it phonoetically) a Italian ham which is prohibitivly expensive over here in the states, but is sooo good.

Also, Gelatto, i.e. Ice Cream, which comes in what I called up-scale (which somewhat resembels American Ice Cream and American 'Italian Ice') and down-scale (Ice Cream truck, Good Humor Man kind of stuff)

And some times candy, like Kinder Eggs, which arn't available in the US because the FDA things kids will choke to death on the toys inside.

Man, now I'm hungry for food I haven't been able to eat in years. Hmmmm, proshuto...

All in all I wasn't thrilled to spend three years away from the States (I was, after all, largely cut off from American culter for all of the middle school years), I do really miss the food.

Speed'Loved to stop at Autogrills on the Autoban'ball