Re: What does everyone think is the best name for a dog?
Grishny, on host
Tuesday, October 24, 2000, at 18:13:17
What does everyone think is the best name for a dog? posted by K on Tuesday, October 24, 2000, at 12:49:49:
> What DOES everyone think is the best name for a dog?
When my mother-in-law got a new dog (a Shi-Tzu (sp?) Jack Russell Terrier mix) a couple years ago, I suggested she name it "Custer." But she named him "Bernie" instead.
At work, my boss' name is Bernie. (Well, 'Bernard' actually, but everyone calls him Bernie). It's a strange thing.
Gri"I once heard of a DOCTOR ROCKET SURGEON who named his dog PHYDEAUX"shny