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Re: I *heart* e-mail aliases
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Thursday, October 5, 2000, at 18:15:44
In Reply To: Re: I *heart* e-mail aliases posted by Kelly on Thursday, October 5, 2000, at 14:24:46:

> Here's one from my old job:
> This Saturday,January 22,8:00 AM, a Cleaning Service will be cleaning our carpets. This cleaning will ONLY be in the hallways and common areas. You are not required to move/do anything in your area.
> This was actually for our Austin office (I am 200 miles away in Dallas), but I took the advice and did nothing anyway.
> Kel"old job=3 hours a day on RinkChat, new job=zip, zero, nada hours on RinkChat"ly

One year at Texas A&M University, there was a memo from the custodial staff on the bulliten boards. Apparently, they were trying out some new bathroom cleaner that smelt like urine. Really.

I think they just decided to stop cleaning.

-Faux "should've sent that in to Dave Barry" Pas