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Re: New Daughter
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000, at 12:50:14
In Reply To: Re: New Daughter posted by Howard on Saturday, September 23, 2000, at 19:21:52:

>I like babies with a little hair. All of my kids and most of my grand kids were bald as an onion, and some didn't have noticable hair until they were a year old.
> Howard

Funny how babies can be so different. Some are born bald, some are born with wispies, and some are born with a full head of hair. Jonathan fell into the middle category (wispies), but he lost a lot of his hair by the time he was a month old. It started to grow again around three months, and now he's got quite a bit. It's very blond, though, so you don't see it till you're up close. When it's just been washed, it stick straight up and he looks like a little baby punk rocker. Cute.
