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Re: H. G. Wells
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2000, at 11:22:35
In Reply To: Re: H. G. Wells posted by Grishny on Thursday, September 21, 2000, at 09:40:27:

> > I don't know if I've ever said this, but I have thought that a "simple" way to travel forward in time would be to go into stasis. When you go into stasis, nothing in stasis is affected by time. When the door opens, the former occuapant has, in effect, traveled in time. Those who have seen the first episode of Red Dwarf know what I'm talking about, as *may* viewers of other SF shows and movies, and readers of SF books.
> >
> > Nyper"Just by sittin' where you are, you're tavelin' in time..."old
> The only problem with that scenario is, once you get there, you can't go back. So unless you're going into stasis for very good reasons (like, escaping a worldwide holocaust or becasue you have an incurable disease that you hope will be curable in the future) it wouldn't be a very enjoyable experience.
> Gri"whoa! I time-travelled 60 seconds into the future while writing this post!"shny

I thought of that drawback when I started to type that post, but forgot to mention it. Yeah, and the thing actually creating the stasis would have to be outside the stasis field, else it would merely slow time down for the occupant. That is, it would create the stasis, which would stop the engine, which would stop the stasis, which would let it run, which would create the stasis again, etc.. Alternatively, it might create the stasis, which would stop the engine, but also stop the stasis from disappearing, encasing him in a stasis field... forever. Also, it would eventually become exposed by one thing or another, and become a solid object *or* even project out onto all space, freezing *everything*. Whooo.


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