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Re: Message Forum request for Sam
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999, at 09:20:05
In Reply To: Message Forum request for Sam posted by Matt J on Wednesday, March 24, 1999, at 08:43:29:

> Hi Sam,
> I don't know how much coding would be involved
> to do this, but I'd love it if the message
> forum would automatically put at the top
> the threads that were most recently posted to...
> Another forum I read ( uses
> such a feature, and I think it's very convenient,
> since active posts don't get pushed to the
> bottom of the stack.
> Just a thought.
> -Matt

Hi Matt,

The closest thing you'll probably get out of Sam is the "Recent Messages" page, which you may already use, I don't know. I rarely look at the main Forum page any longer, but usually go directly to the Recent Messages page instead, which serves more or less the same function as what you're describing.

Check it out at the link below.


Link: Recent Messages