Re: Baby? Oh no, not yet.
Dracimas, on host
Friday, September 8, 2000, at 13:05:55
Baby? Oh no, not yet. posted by Dracimas on Friday, September 8, 2000, at 11:42:01:
> Well, Shannon is now officially full term, and only three weeks from her due date. She went to the doctor today for a check-up. They said everything looks good. The ultra-sound showed a lot of hair and said the heart beat was consistant with a boy (boys have a slower heart rate) but we don't know for sure if it's a boy or girl. We didn't want to know this time 'round. It has been interesting trying to get everything ready. We've had to decorate in neutrals, and haven't been able to buy any clothes yet, but people managed for centuries before, I think we'll be fine now. My mother is about to have a conpition fit though. She doesn't like surprises and is about to bust a gusset trying to get us to agree to finding out the sex. We are steadfast in our decision though. She'll just have to wait like the rest of us. > > Anyway, I'll let you all know when (s)he gets here. I'll probably do like Grishny and publish some pics after the baby is born. > > Drac "Just wanted to let ya'll know" imaS
I just got a call from Shannon. She said the doctor doesn't expect her to make it to 40 weeks. She is 2cm dialated and 20% efaced so there's a reasonable chance that we may have a baby before this weekend is up. But even if we don't she probably won't make it 3 more weeks. Probably not more than another week or so.