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Re: Ow?
Posted By: Luisa, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2000, at 18:02:07
In Reply To: Re: Ow? posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, August 29, 2000, at 15:16:59:

> > > Better to be asleep during the procedure than to be awake and feel all that grinding and pulling and cutting...erk!

I was awake for mine, and I'm glad. Not that it was plesant, but it *was* interesting. The worst part of the whole deal was when the Dr. had to pry one of mine out - felt like he was using a shoehorn in there - and the best explanation I could give for the tears running down my cheeks was "It feels like you're pulling my teeth out!"

I thought this was a pretty acurate description, and for some reason he and the assistant both found it highly amusing. . .

> The more wisdom-tooth stories I hear, the more I realise I must have been unusual. I just got an injection of local, the dentist yanked them out, and I went home and was fine in a couple of hours.

Mine weren't that easy, but after seeing my sister and a friend get theirs out this summer, I think I must have lucked out, too. Maybe I should go back and get them to take some more out?


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