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Re: Ow?
Posted By: Mousie, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2000, at 16:10:13
In Reply To: Re: Ow? posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, August 29, 2000, at 15:16:59:

> > > Oye. I remember when I had my wisdom teeth out. Ouch. I feel for you, fellowsufferer. It was seven years ago, but I'll never forget how much it hurt. At least my cheeks didn't swell too badly. There was this one girl in my class in high school whose face looked like a beach ball after having her wisdom teeth out.
> >
> > Well, it's been about 6-7 hours now, and the freezing is still going, but I'm pretty worried about what's going to happen when it wears off. =)
> >
> > > I hope they had the decency to let you have general anesthesia. Better to be asleep during the procedure than to be awake and feel all that grinding and pulling and cutting...erk! Sorry, hope I'm not bringing up any unpleasant memories.
> >
> > No memories, it was general. One of the coolest things ever, being forced to sleep. Whenever I can't sleep, I think about how I can't sleep and I consequently stay awake.
> >
> > --Pliffilif
> The more wisdom-tooth stories I hear, the more I realise I must have been unusual. I just got an injection of local, the dentist yanked them out, and I went home and was fine in a couple of hours. I didn't even get to take time off work. Huh.
> Brunnen-"I feel cheated now"G

Maybe they're easier to pull out because you're already upside down down there.

Mou"logical thinker"sie