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Re: How many countries?
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2000, at 07:11:41
In Reply To: How many countries? posted by Howard on Tuesday, August 29, 2000, at 06:48:54:

> I had no trouble counting up the states I'd been in, but countries gave me a small problem. I said eight, but I didn't count Puerto Rico or USVI because they are US possessions. They seem a little foreign to me, but in some ways they are very American. Oops! I just remembered Guatamala. That makes nine.
> Howard

Some of the countries I've been in don't exist anymore. Does East Germany and West Germany now count as one country? What about Czechoslovakia? Luckily, I've been to neither Yugoslavia nor the Soviet Union, or I would've been in about 15 additional countries.

-Faux "Hey! My globe is out of date!" Pas

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