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Re: Alabama and back
Posted By: Mousie, on host
Date: Monday, August 28, 2000, at 10:44:02
In Reply To: Re: Alabama and back posted by Howard on Sunday, August 27, 2000, at 15:16:46:

> > > I went to Alabama, with a banjo on my knee. WMM and I attended the Southeastern Cushman Club meet in Tuscaloosa (aka T-Town) and although it was very hot, we had a good time. I'll post a more detailed report when I find out if I won any trophies. I had to leave Saturday noon and the awards are given out on Saturday night. Just kidding about the banjo. I couldn't pick one out of a lineup.
> > > Howard
> >
> > Howard, did you ever hear that Groucho Marx line? Apparently elephant dentistry is very difficult in all other states, but in Alabama the Tuscaloosa.
> I thought I'd heard all of Groucho's stuff, but I don't remember that one. However, I may try it out on some friends from T-town.
> Howard

Could you pick a banjo IN a lineup? "Which one of these banjo pickers picked yours, Mrs. M?"

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