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Re: Invisibility!/ Dr Laura
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Friday, August 25, 2000, at 07:44:15
In Reply To: Re: Invisibility!/ Dr Laura posted by Mousie on Thursday, August 24, 2000, at 15:07:15:

> > > Dr. Laura? Aaaaauuuggghhh!!! That woman drives me nuts! I'm pretty conservative, but that woman is SO narrow-minded!
> > >
> > > Ell"A small rant now and then feels good"myruh
> >
> > Hehe, I used to think about the same thing. I'm pretty conservative (ok, I'm *really* conservative) and I thought she was *way* harsh...
> > That being said, I love her now. Someone sent this in (be it letter or fax, I don't know) and I have to say I agree!
> >
> > The Five Stages Of Dr. Laura
> >
> > 1. DENIAL
> > I dunno...she may be famous and have her own radio program, but I don't know what people see in her. She's so pushy and loud and makes quick judgments on people.
> >
> > 2. ANGER
> > How could she call that 21-year-old girl who slept with her father's best friend STUPID? That's so harsh! She's a therapist! Isn't she supposed to be kind and gentle?
> >
> > Well, maybe I'll just listen to one more show. That'll really prove she's a pushy broad.
> >
> > I haven't listened to Dr. Laura's show in a while. For some reason, I'm feeling a bit low. She may be pushy, but her show is never boring! Okay. I'll give it another shot.
> >
> > Ya know, maybe she's pushy for a reason. Sometimes her callers don't want to hear the truth...Even my mom listens to her and the more I listen, the more of her advice I agree with.
> >
> >
> > Now, this probably isn't the case with you, but I found it true for me...I just think it's hilarious, also...
> >
> > Ti'the views of this post do not reflect that of the majority, I'm sure'cia
> I went through three stages of Dr. Laura. First, I hated her. Then I loved her -- even bought one of the books. Now I listen, but I notice she's really changed over the years. She doesn't listen to people very well, and she makes assumptions that really bother me. I don't think my stages of like and dislike for her show are my own; I think it's because *she's* changed.
> Mou"that's my story and I'm sticking to it"sie

My thoughts exactly, Mousie. She drives me nuts because she:
a) Interrupts.
b) Jumps to conclusions before she has heard the whole story.
c) Forms an opinion even if she doesn't really know about the issue, and then refuses to consider that she *might* be wrong.
d) Is very close-minded.
e) Likes attention too much for her own good.

I could bring up specific issues, but that might cause a rather large flame war.

Ell"Of course, not *all* flame wars are bad..."myruh

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