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Re: 'Reality' TV
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2000, at 22:11:05
In Reply To: 'Reality' TV posted by Pliffilif on Wednesday, August 23, 2000, at 16:52:53:

I hate "Reality TV". Not because it necessarily doesn't interest me (because sometimes it does--and that bothers me to no end, but more on that later) but because I find it intensly irritating to have to watch irritating people be irritating on my TV when I have to deal all day long with irritating people in my real life.

I often find myself getting caught up emotionally in silly reality shows, because I simply *hate* irritating people, and there is always at least one intensly irritating person on every reality show. They do it on purpose, because people fighting and bickering is somehow more interesting then people working and living together in harmony. For instance, on every season of MTV's "The Real World" there's always one ultra-conservative homophobe and one flaming homesexual in the house. They do it on purpose to create friction and hopefully increase ratings. (Tune in next week, when Billy-Bob shoots Lamar in the head!) They outdid themselves the season they had Puck on, as he was the single most irritating human being on the face of the planet. And now the man is *famous* because he's was a selfish egotistical doody-head on MTV. Go figure.

So anyway, I like Wendy's Biggie Fries.

-- Dave

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