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Re: I Heart My Local Police
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2000, at 20:05:56
In Reply To: Re: I Heart My Local Police posted by Brunnen-G on Wednesday, August 23, 2000, at 15:00:52:

> > I guess they're hoping people will be more careful around them. I mean, which would you rather collide with, a car with only a driver, or a car with a child in it as well?
> >
> > Nyper"Would a device for measuring accidents be a collide-o-scope?"old
> Ooh, how I hate those stupid "Baby on Board" signs. I mean, give me a BREAK. There are careful drivers and there are idiot drivers. Does anyone really think the latter group is going to see a little sign and suddenly think, "Oh my God! There's a cute little baby in that car! I'd better start driving according to law and common courtesy!" as they slow down, stop tailgating, and use their indicator properly before making a turn.
> No, I like to think these signs are meant as a *warning* to other drivers. They mean, "Caution, this car is being driven by someone who is probably turning around every thirty seconds to look in the back seat and make cooing noises. Or have a rattle thrown at the back of their head as they approach a major intersection."
> Brunnen-"loves working from home and not having to drive as much"G

I understood that the original intention of these signs was to alert rescuers to search for a baby in case of an accident, in case the driver/other passengers were incapacitated and could not tell the rescue squad "my baby's in there!" (Although babies usually have their own method of alerting people -- loud screaming). Of course, most people do not bother to remove the sign when the baby leaves the vehicle, so the sign becomes meaningless --is there really a baby on board or not?


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