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Re: Poetry Reading -- the Truth Revealed!
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2000, at 16:44:52
In Reply To: Poetry Reading -- the Truth Revealed! posted by Issachar on Thursday, August 17, 2000, at 14:39:12:

> There is a matter of grave importance which I
>feel compelled to clear up. Everyone who has
>posted memoirs of RinkWorks Convention 2000 has
>thus far given a muddled report as to what
>exactly it was that I read during the Poetry
>Reading session.
> F'r heaven sakes, fellow conventioneers, it was
>the lyrics to Michael Jackson's immortal "Wanna
> Be Startin' Something" !!!!!
> And here I thought everyone was laughing
>because they recognized the song as well as the
> silliness of treating its lyrics ("you're a
>vegetable, you're a vegetable.....") as high
>verse. Duh. [Bangs forehead] They were just
>laughing at what appeared to be random goofiness
>from yours truly, blissfully unaware of the pop-
>culture reference.
> Next time I'll shoot for something less low-
>brow, I guess. Something more within the brow
> range of the literate people who proudly bear
>the label "RinkyDink". :-)
> Iss "picking his brows up off the floor" achar

I knew it was a song, I just wasn't pop-culture literate enough to know which one, and too embarassed about not knowing to ask someone. :-)

-- Dave