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Re: Waltzing Matilda
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2000, at 13:44:43
In Reply To: Re: Waltzing Matilda posted by Paul A. on Thursday, August 17, 2000, at 08:23:10:

> > > "Waltzing Matilda" is sort of a national song in Australia (don't know if it's their official
> > > national anthem or not).
> >
> > It is.
> Actually, no. It's just a catchy ditty that everyone in the country knows off by heart, unlike our actual national anthem.
> Come to think of it, I'm not sure if we've actually got a national anthem, since anthems technically have to mention God, but our official national song that everybody calls the national anthem is "Advance Australia Fair".
> Tip: "Waltzing Matilda" is about a swagman who steals a farmer's sheep and then commits suicide rather than let the police arrest him. "And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" is about a bloke who goes off to the First World War and comes back short a couple of legs. They're not actually easy to confuse once you've heard both of them.
> Paul
> PS. From time to time there are attempts to get "Waltzing Matilda" installed as the national anthem/song, but they've all failed. I'm not sorry; I don't think I'd want to live in a country that defines itself by a song about a suicidal sheep thief.

"Advance Australia Fair" *sounds* like a national anthem, that's the thing. I'd feel the same as you about having a song like "Waltzing Matilda" as the official anthem...cringe.

New Zealand seems to be the worst for playing its anthem in entirely the wrong way at every sporting event, trying to make it upbeat and pop-like, and adding all sorts of idiotic turns and twiddles. It's an excellent anthem when done properly, with feeling and dignity, but national anthems are not pop songs. Or blues, or jazz, or anything else they try to turn it into. After each of these embarrassing public outings, the media calls for a replacement for our "awful" anthem. Gah.

"Flower of Scotland", now THERE'S an all-time great national song.

Brunnen-"e i hoa, atua..."G

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