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Re: More Controversy
Posted By: Jessica, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2000, at 13:37:04
In Reply To: Re: More Controversy posted by Grishny on Wednesday, August 16, 2000, at 06:54:00:

> > Bumper Stickers, are they worthwhile or dumb? Discuss.
> Bumper stickers are just another way for people to express their opinions about stuff. Or also to brag about places they've been, I guess. I think bumper stickers themselves are fairly neutral; it's what is printed on them that causes them to be worthwhile or dumb.
> Gri"thinks the whole "No Fear" "Fear This" "Ain't Skeered" line of bumper stickers are dumb"shny

My problem is with people who are indiscriminate with their bumper stickers. Sure, support stuff. But pick what you like the most, don't clutter your car up with stuff you consider relatively meaningless. Actually a funny bumper sticker is a great mood lifter while stuck in traffic. I like "visualize whirled peas" and other similarly stupid ones.

Also, there is a bumper sticker that I really hate. It's a white circle with a green dragon on it and lightning and stuff. But I have no clue what it's supporting, and you can never tell what it's a picture of unless you're about six inches away from it -- leading to a lot of futile and frustrating neck-craning from the car. At that distance it only looks like a deformed baby chick. Anyone know what the heck it's supporting?

Jes"has one college bumper sticker on her car and that's it, period"sica

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