Re: What should I do next?
Issachar, on host
Monday, March 15, 1999, at 12:57:34
What should I do next? posted by Sam on Monday, March 15, 1999, at 12:11:08:
>...there's a couple different projects for RinkWorks I could tackle, and I'm wondering what you, the reader, would be most interested in me finishing first. >
I'm pretty sure that Darien is "the" reader, but I'll venture to put forth my vote anyway.
> 1. The Game of the Ages. > > 2. A new feature I can't tell you about yet. > > 3. Watch my complete collections of "The Honeymooners" and "Black Adder" in succession, not that that has anything to do with RinkWorks. > > 4. Goof off and do absolutely nothing. >
I'd like to see Game of the Ages, but not too quickly, so that I don't look like a slacker with my own AGL project by comparison. ;-) So let's see the new feature first, especially if it's a RinkWorks photo album with interesting mix-and-match capabilities. A "your face here" page that allowed you to put Darien's mug atop the shoulders of various characters in _Sinbad of the Seven Seas_ would be endlessly amusing. To keep things fair, readers would also be able to put my own grill on top of each character in "Scooby-Doo", of course.
Is the un-named, super-secret project that CRPG we were all talking about a couple of months back? I'd definitely like to see that released. Whatever it is, I'll vote for "Codename: Operation Rink", and hope for the best.
Iss "Zoiks!" achar