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Re: What should I do next?
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999, at 12:57:34
In Reply To: What should I do next? posted by Sam on Monday, March 15, 1999, at 12:11:08:

>...there's a couple different projects for RinkWorks I could tackle, and I'm wondering what you, the reader, would be most interested in me finishing first.

I'm pretty sure that Darien is "the" reader, but I'll venture to put forth my vote anyway.

> 1. The Game of the Ages.
> 2. A new feature I can't tell you about yet.
> 3. Watch my complete collections of "The Honeymooners" and "Black Adder" in succession, not that that has anything to do with RinkWorks.
> 4. Goof off and do absolutely nothing.

I'd like to see Game of the Ages, but not too quickly, so that I don't look like a slacker with my own AGL project by comparison. ;-) So let's see the new feature first, especially if it's a RinkWorks photo album with interesting mix-and-match capabilities. A "your face here" page that allowed you to put Darien's mug atop the shoulders of various characters in _Sinbad of the Seven Seas_ would be endlessly amusing. To keep things fair, readers would also be able to put my own grill on top of each character in "Scooby-Doo", of course.

Is the un-named, super-secret project that CRPG we were all talking about a couple of months back? I'd definitely like to see that released. Whatever it is, I'll vote for "Codename: Operation Rink", and hope for the best.

Iss "Zoiks!" achar

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