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Re: Famous photographs
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2000, at 10:03:07
In Reply To: Re: Famous photographs posted by Grishny on Wednesday, August 16, 2000, at 09:30:24:

> > > Mm. Nice. Interesting.
> > >
> > > Would be more interesting if I had any idea
who the people in the photos were, though...
> > >
> > > Paul
> >
> > Yes, that would help.
> > Howard
> Okay, I think I can be of (some) assistance
here. Starting from the top left and working
across and down the page:
> 1. Hotel Room
> 2. Hotel Room
> 3. Issachar (David DeBoe)
> 4. Darleen Stoddard
> 5. Sam Stoddard
> 6. David J. Parker and Darleen Stoddard
> 7. Sam
> 8. Issachar and his wife Jacqueline
> 9. Balanthalus (don't know his real name)
> 10. Darien (Brandon, right?) and Minamoon
> 11. "Official" signage
> 12. Dave, Mina, Darien
> 13. Leen (Darleen)
> 14. Dave, Mina, Darien, Balanthalus
> 15. Sam, Mina, Balanthalus, Darien, famous,
Dave, Leen.
> 16. "Unofficial" signage
> 17. Sam
> 18. Chairs set up for the poetry reading
> 19. Table (notice cans of Dew and Moxie)
> 20. Dave and Darien
> 21. Mina and Balanthalus
> 22. Sam (notice Sam-I-Am shirt)
> 23. Sam, dead
> 24. Leen, dead
> 25. Sam and Leen, dining
> 26. Sam and Leen's dinner.
> Gri"pretty good, huh, considering I wasn't even

Just an anal side note: Number 26 is actually
famous' dinner. From what I understand, Dave was
very upset that famous ordered pizza AFTER he

Ell"First post on a Mac"myruh
(Somehow, the Preview is cutting off the second
half of m