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Re: A question for those supporting animal rights
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000, at 10:58:49
In Reply To: Re: A question for those supporting animal rights posted by Ayako on Sunday, August 13, 2000, at 01:36:20:

> > What I've always wondered about people who are vegetarians because they believe it's wrong to kill and eat animals is this. Why is it OK for animals to kill other animals and eat them but not for us to kill and eat animals? Humans are biologically omnivorous, and we're higher on the food chain, so why is it so bad for us to eat animals but it's OK for a lion to eat animals?
> >
> > -eric "sigh. . ." sleator
> > Sat 12 Aug A.D. 2000
> Many people do it to protest the inhumane treatment the animals get before they're slaughtered.
> Aya"Myself, I love burgers and bacon too much to give them up. I'd probably be a lot healthier if I could, though..."ko

But they don't get mistreated. The FDA doesn't approve farms or slaughterhouses where the animals get inhumanely treated, which means that their meat doesn't get sold, which means you don't buy and eat it.

-eric "I'm not sure about other countries, though" sleator
Tue 15 Aug A.D. 2000