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Re: A question for those supporting animal rights
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000, at 09:15:55
In Reply To: Re: A question for those supporting animal rights posted by Wormwood on Sunday, August 13, 2000, at 08:56:16:

> > So, you're saying that animals are sentient, and insects are not? That's interesting, considering that insects have pretty much achieved biological success... they are numerous and super-efficient. Is being flawed the sign of intelligence? (Although that WOULD explain humanity =))
> >
> > --Pliff
> Yes. The only reasons that insects have surviveed so well is becuase of :
> 1. They have huge numbers.
> 2. They have strongs bodies (for their size).
> 3. All the knowledge they need is contained in thier DNA.
> 4. Where there is no room for intelligence, there is no room for stupidity.
> Insect-like robots have been built using nervous nets. Although they aren't intelligent, they do show the behaiviors of insects.

Like wasting energy trying to avoid being swatted instead of trying to find something that's dead or sleeping? That's how gnats and mosquitoes act. :)

> Wormwood

Nyper"That's the buzz"old