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Posted By: Djinn, on host
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000, at 01:39:02

Here is Jabberwocky, a poem by Lewis Carroll, ran through each dialect in the Dialectizer once. (Edited for "Inappropriate Message Content.")

ooztbay eebbigbbAy, uhyay uhYay, unytay d"ay eeffysbAy udestaY iedda yyb3-agsay un"ya y3embbe-4g4y inyay d"ay ebe-4bbay; ebbyAy eemsymay oozbay day u"uguf3sbay, uuhhhhday, 3eghtbAy, uhyay, un'yay d"4yo 0me-amay edsbay ooiootgbebe-ayay 'o0ebe-abay day ebBo*buX0rdgay, ewegjhtbay, uhjyau, ehmay unasy~~~~ I ON J00. o1hhDay, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ lollololololol ootrstbay!!!!!!!!11 ooo7caya nm4y!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ 1 OW|\| J00 BECAUSE YOU ARE SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!111 YOU ARE LAME BBECAUS EI WIlL HAx0R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ OLOL.... eeghtbaY oonYay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ IHHDAY,, OOLCAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~ olololololololololo... EEMEBBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ oihhdauy, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ yfbay ehmay "eede-ayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ oihhday, oolc4Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooeweyay!!!!!111~~~~~~~ Uhhay uhh4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeghrtbay oonyay~~~~~~~ oihhdzay, oolcay!!!!!!!11~ UNeSTHAY OOFGAY~~~~~ Oihhday, oolcay!!!!!11~ THE1R IS AATIO EDONT RIPE /\/\EO FF!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ YOU ARE LA/\/\e CAuse 1 wuil7h ack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ day oosdgay etday 33te-abay, eEGhtbay, uhyay d'ay ooscbzayetday etcHkay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ lolollolololololol!!!!!!!111~~~~~ Iw ill H4CK u,, OLOOLOL~~~ o1hhday, opolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ UNETSHHAY OOGAY~~~ ololololololololol oihhday, oolc4y~~~~~~~ olololololololoololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 eeghtbay oponyay!!!!!!!1~~~~~ oihhday ,oolcat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ oeoeyAy u hhay uhhay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ lololololololoollol!!!!!!!!!1~~ YFBASY EHMAY EEDE-AYYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ OIHHDAY,, OOLCAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ ooeey4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ uhhay uhhay eeGhtbay oonYay!!!!!!!!!! oihhDay, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ eemeyBbya~ oiihhday, 0olcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ OOEBE--ABAY DAY OOBDG0OBDGaY 3EBBAY, UHYAY UHYSAY UHYYA UHYAY, UNYAY 0ONSHAY D'AY oOM3EUOOOSFBAY UON0SNUTCHBAY~~~~~~ LOOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 oihhday,,o olkcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ Ooeey4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uhhay uhh4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eegghTbayo onyuay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ oihhfday, oolvay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ you arel ame/// ootstbay~ oOOLCAY ANMAY~ YFBAY EHMAY 'WEEDEAYAY~~~~ oihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ DONT RIP M3 0FF 3EMWEYBBAY!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ DONT RIPE ME OF OIHHDAY,O OLCYA!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ ajckt he plsnna. ololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ DtONTR IPED ME OFF OLLOL~~~~~~ e3FGHTBAY OONYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAX0R YOYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ oihhdAy, oolc4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ ootstbay~~~~~~~ 0Oolcay anmayy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ 'e-ayay uuktay eesyay u'pefbay udsbay niYay 'uuyay: ungbay eeme-atay d'ya umxume-4amy uE-afay e-ay4y uoght--sayy ussay est1dga y"e-ayay ybay d'ay oomtootay ee-atbay, eghtbbay, uhyaY, un"yya uusdtay oobheebe-ayay inyay oomkd4y uhday, yeay ooknay, ihyuay, ere-4may, uihday.. lolollooll~ ... Uhyay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~ . !?!???!?!?!?!??!? un"yay, eedghtbay, uyay,, esyay Inay uffffeeshyay OOnkday "-esYay uudstay, uhysay uhy4y uhyay Uyhay, day ebb*obux0rdgay, eeffbay eess-amay eeespay uhyaty emew-afBaY, eme-acay eeffffbin"bay uooghdbay dd'ay oObgeytay uudbAy, uhyay uhyay uhyay uhy4y, unyay oobbbidbay esyay Ityay em-eacay!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ oihhDaay,, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I wil;l ahck u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 eeghbAy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ oolcay anmay~ EEGHTBAYO ONYAY~~~~~~~ OIHHDAY, O0LCAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ ootstbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 ooolca yanmay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ you suX0r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 oone-4yAy utbsay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ oihhday, iolcay!!!!!!!!!!111 eeghbtay oojnyay~~~~~~~ oihhday, oolc4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ 0WN JOo 0OEEYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ uhhay uhhau~~~~~~~ come 2 my ftp yfbAye hmay 'edee-ayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ oihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ ootsTbay!!!!!!!!!~~~~ o0oLcay anmasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeghtBay oonyay~~~~ OIHHDAY, OLCAY!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ eeghtbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ooolcay anmzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ oone-zayay utbay!!!!!!!!!111~~~ Oihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 ... OLOLOLLO!!!!!!~ Iwilkla hck YOU c4use I wil lAHCK eeghtbay oonyay~~~~~ LLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 OIHHDEAY, OOlACY!!!!!!!~~~ UNESHTAY OOFG4Y!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01hhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ LOLLOLOLOLL~ Yfbay edhmaty "eede-ayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ 0IHHDAY, OOlACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ lolollololololo.. eewmeybbay~ oiHhDay, oolcay!!!!!!111~ 3EHGTBAY OONYA!!!!!!!!111~~ YOIHHDAY, OO7ACy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ootstb4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ ooolacy anmay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ un'y4uy uooghdba yun'Yay uooghdbayd 'ay upebfay eded-abbay entb4y eeXroo-sneX0rsnay!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ OIHHDYA, OOLCCAY!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ eemeybbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oihhdeay, 0olCa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ yEEGHTBAY OONMYAYY~~~~~~~ OIHHD4Y, OO7CAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLLOL e3/\/\eybbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 oihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ LOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ yfbay ehm4y 'eede-ay4y~~~~~~~ OIHDHAY, OOlCAY!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ OOEWEYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ OLOLLOLOLOLOOLOLOLO~ uhhAyu hhay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ weghtbay oonyay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ oihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ 0oeeyay~~ uhhay uhhay~~~~~~ E-AYAY EFFBAY ITYAY EEEDDA,Y UHYAY UHYAY UHY4YU HYAY, UnYAY EFFBAY ITSYAY EI3DYAY "3-YAAY E|\|TBAY EBOPHEENGAY EXRBAY uhday, ye"4y ookany, ee|\|zya, ihyay, Uhday, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ .. uhyay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ LOLOOLLLOLOOO.. !!!!!!!!~ ??!?!?!?!?!??!??!? lolololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ oololol~~~ eTshay ehmay uoodamy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ HHAY OUHHAY!!!!!!!!1 ootstbay!!!!!!!!!!! OOOLCAY ANMAY!!!!!!!111~~~ E3GHTBAY OOYA!!!!!!!!!!! lolololo!!!!!!!~~ Yoihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ OOTSTBAY!!!!!!!!!!~ ooolcay anmay!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ "unyay 'estyyay uoodsy e3ensbay d4y ebbo*buX0rdgay, eenzay, ihyay, uhdsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 uhyazy. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ !??!?!??!? ume-acay eht"m4y ebmsya,y uuhhHhday, 3hmay eemeehsbay 0obafay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ lololollolololo~~~ oihhfay, oolcya!!!!!!!~~ EEGHTBaY OONYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ oihhday, oolcaY!!!!!!111 eeghtbasu!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ ooolcay anmay olololololoolo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ yfbay ehmay 'eede-ayazy!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ oihhday,, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ OLOLOLOOLLOL~ UNESTHAY OOFgAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ i ownn joo!!!!!!1~~~~~ oijhday, oolca!!!!!!!! yEEGHTBAY OONYAU!!!!!!!!!111~~ u suX0r cuz II will haXr0 YOUUUUUIU oihhd4y, o0lcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ eeghtb4y!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooolcay anmay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 o oyay ebdguoosfbay eydayy~~~~~ oihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ I WILL HCK U EEGHtBAY OOYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ oihhady, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ eeghtbay I w1kll hax0r!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ AHCK YOUUUOUUU,,, ooolcay anmAy u suc,k b3cauz you Are scuk yfbay whmzay "3ede-aytay!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ oihhdfayy, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ ooeeyay~~~~~ UHHAY UHHAY!!!!!! eeghtb4y oony4y~~ oihdhay, oOlcAy!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ OLOLOLOLLOL.. eemeybbayu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 DONT RIPE ME OFF!!!!!!!!1 ur lame o1hhday, oolcaY~~ YOU SOX0R!!!!!!!!! ebbuuhcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ lolol.. 01hhday, oolcxay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ ootstbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ oool;cay anmay OLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL E EGHTBAY O0NY4Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ ohhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ootstbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ ooolcay an/\/\ay!!!!!!!!!!!!! yfby 3hmaaty "eede-4yay!!!!!1~~~~~~ oihhdya, oolcay~~~~~ EEMJEyBBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ oihhday, oo7cazy!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ e3ghtbay oonyay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OIHHDAY, OOLCaY!!!!!!!!!~ ooosttbay~~~~~~~ OOOLC4Y 4NJMAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ evbbeyca!!!!!~~~~~~~ oihhday, oolcsy!!!!!!!!!!!! eemeybbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 oihhDay, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~ eeggthbay oonyay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0ihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ unesthay oofgay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ ur l4me because ur lamne!!!!!!!! Oijhday, 0olcay yfbay ehmAy "eede-aayy!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ LOOLOLOLO~~ oihhday, Oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 LOLOLOL.. OOTSTBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ ooolcay nmya~~~~ I WILL HACK BECAYZ I WILL HaCK EEgHTBAY OOPNYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ OLOOLOLO... oihhd4y, O0lcay!!!!!!!!11~ oootstbay~~~ LOLOLOLOLO~ ooll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ oOoLCAY ANMAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ '3-AYAY TUGBOIDCHAY InYAY "ESEYAY UYDGAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ orkbay rokvbay orkbay!!!!!!!!~~ o ihhday, oolcay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ epsBay ehmay ufbay!!!!!!!!111~~~~ oihhday, oo7cayt!!!!!!1 eemeybbay~~~~ OIHHDAAY, O0LCAY!!!!!!!!!!!! 'o0ztbay e3bbIbgbay, uhyay uhayy,u n"yay d"ay eeffysb4y ufestya iedDay ybe-agfa yUn'yay e3mbgb3-4g4y inYya d'ay ebe-abya; ebbyaye emsymay oozbay d"ay u'guufesbay, uuhhhhday, un'yay dayu omoe-4ma yedsbay 0oo0tgb3be-ayay

Here is the original poem:

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought--
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One two! One two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

-Djin"It was late and I was bored"n

Link: Jabberwocky Variants