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Re: Shapes!
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Saturday, August 12, 2000, at 21:26:30
In Reply To: Re: Shapes! posted by koalamom on Friday, August 11, 2000, at 21:09:55:

> >
> > -eric "I once read a wonderful book about the fourth dimension, which is not time, despite what H.G. Wells had to say about it" sleator
> William Sleator is one of my favorite authors. His science fiction for young people beats Madeline L'Engle's, in my opinion. Any relation?

Actually, it's quite likely that there is. He very well might be from the same family that I'm from, or even just the same clan. In fact, it was this possibility that caused our first purchase of his books. It was his excellent writing that caused my continued readings of them.

-eric "Just finished 'House of Stairs'" sleator
Sat 12 Aug A.D. 2000