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Re: Contriversy
Posted By: gabby, on host
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000, at 23:09:37
In Reply To: Contriversy posted by Jimmy Of York on Thursday, August 10, 2000, at 22:48:30:

I'll bite, too.

> Abortion
To save the life of the mother. If both can live, both should.

> Assisted Suicide
Never necessary. My mother is a hospice nurse, and so I hear more than enough about pain and dying. Palliative care has improved drastically, along with the rest of medicine. People don't have to be in pain.

> Death Penalty
Must be available to avoid hypocrisy: we mustn't convey that a murderer's life is worth more than his victim. It goes without stating, I suppose, that there should be no reasonable doubt.

> Gun Control
Absolutely not. Gun control, historically, leads to the slaughter of a group of people who are unable to defend themselves. Look it up.

> God
Read John, Romans, Hebrews, and the rest of the Bible for my complete opinion.

> School Uniforms
Ugh. No, thanks.

> School Security
No, thanks, again.

> Human Genome Project
Wonderful potential. Patenting genes is kind of weird.

> Extra Terrestrial Life
It would be neat, but I'll reserve judgment until there's actually evidence either way.

> Plastic Surgery
If the person really wants to and has the money.

> Creation vs Evolution
The evidence for both sides is skimpy. In virtually all cases, people accept one or the other based on previous philosophical commitment.

> TV
A pleasant waste of time.

> The Internet
The best thing since sliced bread.

> Jimmy Of York

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