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Tempests, Darkness, and Trivial Pursuit.
Posted By: Corrino, on host
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000, at 18:45:04

Well, here I am, sitting at my computer after a day without my Forum fix...let me explain...

Two years. I live in Louisiana, where it hasn't rained (substantially, at least)for two years. Suddenly, yesterday, the day before school starts, we had the tempest from hell. Rain crashed against the windows in sheets, and, predictably, the power went out-as I was reading posts, no less. Fortunately, it was still light out, so I was able to get packed and grab a few lanterns before it got dark.

It got dark. The lantern had a short. Not fun. My Dad was off at a meeting, so my Mom and I played Trivial Pursuit (the sacore was even)-until we decided to call the electrical company to report that there was an outage. After 10 disconnects, we were finally put on hold...only to be informed that the power would be restored by 10:30. Bah.

When my Dad finished his meeting, I called and asked him to pick up some dinner (no power meant I couldn't have my favorite-Top Ramen :-P ). I finally got to bed at 11:00...and the power didn't come back on even by the time I got to sleep.

Anyway...I managed to find a battery alarm , get up on time, and make it to school. That, however, is a story for another post...

Cor"can't stand posting anymore until I have some mindless fun in RinkChat"rino